Friday, August 5, 2011


It feels as though life since getting married has consisted of change after change after change. Change that I have at times handled graciously, while other times it happens despite my inward kicking and screaming. Once again, our life seems to be changing. It's scary for me. I have felt comfortable with life as it is, and am not thrilled about these changes. Perhaps that is exactly why God has given us our newest set of challenges.

As we work through the challenges that are presented to our family, I can look back at so many times when God used difficult time to grow my relationship with Him and my relationship with my husband. It's when I look back I am reminded to be grateful for difficult changes.

I love the innocence of children and that they
do not carry the worries of the world on their shoulders.
I lean, first and foremost, on the Lord God as things change, trusting there HE has a plan for our family. I then make the choice to come along side my husband and serve as his helper, his primary encourager and seek to follow his leadership. The unknowns frighten me, but the knowledge of God loves and cares for our family is my comfort.